


Three Gorges underground power station

三峡地下电站  Three Gorges underground power plant; underground power station of TGP; Three Gorges underground power station

长江三峡工程  clean fuel methanol; chit system

国务院三峡工程建设委员会  Three Gorges Project Construction Commission of the State Council

国务院三峡工程建设委员会办公室水库管理司  Executive Office of the State Council Three Gorges Project Construction Committee

三峡电站  three gorges power station; three gorges power plant; the Three Gorges power station; three gorge hydropower plant; the Three Gorges Hydropower Station; Three Gorges hydropower station; three gorges; sanxia power station; three gorges project; three gorges hydropower plant; three gorges hydropow er plants; tGP; the Three-Gorges Power Station; ThreeGorge Power Station; three-gorge power station; three gorges hydroelectric power station; power station; threes gorges power plants; three gorge project; Three Gorges powerhouse

三峡工程  the three gorge project; three-gorges project; three gorge dam; the Three-Gorges Reservoir Project; The Three Gorges project; Three-gorge Project; three gorges project; KeywordThree Gorges Project; matterThree Gorge Project; Three-Gorges Project TGP; construction of the Three Gorges Project; clean flow; three gorges power station; three gorges dam; The yangtze three gorges project; three gorges engineering; three gorges hydroelectric project; Three-gorges Progect; circulation of dye liquid; TGP Three Gorges Project; the Three Gorge Dam; Three Gorges of Yangtze River hydro-junction; clean fuel methanol; ThreeGorge reservoir project; three gorges reservoir; Changjiang gorges engineering; three gorge project; clapper-type relay; Three Gorges projecx; TheThreeGorgesProject; Three Gorges project (T; three gorge; the Yangtze Gorges Project; Project; Three Gorges P roject; the Three-Gorges Project; tGP; the Three Gorges engineering; sanxia project; Three Gorges Reservoir area; clean draft chamber; the Three—Gorge project; the Three-Gorge Project; the Three Gorges Project TGP; Three Gorges Project TGP; San Xia enginering; chit fund; Sanxia engineering; chit system; CTGPC; Sanxia proiect; three Georges dam; THREE GORGE engineering

三峡工程ⅡA标段  LOT II A of the Three Gorges Project

三峡工程MIS  the MIS of Three Gorges Project

三峡工程RCC围堰  RCC cofferdam of TGP

三峡工程船闸区  the lock area of Yangtze Three Gorges Project

三峡工程的影响  the impact of the Three Gorges Project

三峡工程管理区  management zone of Three Gorges

三峡工程建设综述  Summarization of Three - Gorge Project

三峡工程库区  reservoir area of Three Gorges Project

三峡工程区  three gorges project

三峡工程设计综述  Overview of Three Gorges project design

三峡工程升船机  TGP shiplif t

三峡工程一期蓄水  the first-phase storage of the Three-Gorge Project; the first-stage water storage of the Three Gorges

三峡工程永久船闸  the miter gates of the TGP’s permanent shiplock





