


subaxial cervical fracture-dislocation; subaxial cervical fracture-dislocations

颈椎骨折脱位  whip-lash syndrome; cervical fracture and dislocation

距骨骨折脱位/中西医结合疗法  Fracture and dislocation

陈旧性股骨颈骨折  old femoral neck fracture

第二颈椎骨折  Epistropheus fracture; Fracture of second cervical vertebra; fracture of second cervical vertebrae

第一颈椎骨折  Fracture of first cervical vertebra; fracture of first cervical vertebrae

股骨颈骨折  Fractures of femoral neck; femur-neck fracture; Fracture of neck of femure; Femur neck fracture; Fracture femoral neck; Hip prosthesis; Femoral neck frectures; Fracture of neck of femur; Fracture of femoral neck; Femoral neck fracture; adductive femoral neck fracture; femoral neck frcture; Femoral neck bone fracture; Fracture; Fresh fracture of femoral neck; neck of femur fracture; fractures of the femoral neck; Fmoral neck fracture; Transcervical fractures; Femoral neck fra ctures; femoral neck fractures; Femur neck fractures; Femoral neck; Hip fracture; senile femoral neck fractures; Femoral neek fracture; Femoralneck fractures; femoral neck fractrures; The fracture of neck of femur; collum ossis femoris fracture; The femoral neck fracture; Collum femoris fracture; Femeral neck fractures; Shifting femoral neck fractures

股骨颈骨折手术病人  patients undergoing femur and neck fracture surgery

近端肱骨外科颈骨骨折  surgical neck fractures of proximal humerus

颈椎骨折  cervical vertebrae fractures; Cervical spine fracture; cervical spinal fractures; cervical; cervical vertebra fracture; cervical fracture; Cervical vertebra bone fracture; Fracture of cervical spine; Cevvical fraction; Cervical vertebral fracture; Fractures of cervical spine

颈椎骨折NOS  Fracture of neck part unspecified

颈椎脱位  cervical dislocation; Dislocation of cervical vertebra

颈椎脱位术  cervical

距骨颈骨折  talus neck fracture; Talar neck fracture; neck of talus fracture

老年股骨颈骨折  elderly patient with femoral neck fractures

两侧股骨颈骨折  bilateral femoral neck fracture

其他特指颈椎骨折  Fracture of other specified cervical vertebra; fracture of other specified cervical vertebrae

青壮年股骨颈骨折  Femoral neck fracture in young adults

桡骨颈骨折  radial neck fracture; Radius fracture

上颈椎骨折  upper cervical fracture





