


surveying and mapping engineering institute zhongnan University; Surveying and Land Information Institute of Central South University

中南大学测绘与国土信息工程系  central-south university; Dept.of Geomatics; central south university; Dept. of Geomatics; Department of Surveying and Land Information Engineering; Department of Geomatics; Department of Surveying and Geo-informatics

河南理工大学测绘与国土信息工程学院  Institute of Surveying and Country Information Engineering Henan Polytechnic University; School of Surveying Land Information Engineering; henan polytechnic university; School of Surveying and Land Information Engineering; School of Survey and Land Information Engineering

昆明理工大学国土信息与测绘工程系  Kunming University of Science and Technology

中南大学测绘与国土工程系  Department of Surveying and Geo-informatics; Central SouthUniversity

解放军信息工程大学信息工程学院  Institute of Information Engineering; information engineering university; University of Information Engineering; pla

徐州师范大学国土信息与测绘工程系  Territory Resources Information and Surveying Engineering Department of Xuzhou Normal University; Bohai and Yellow Seas; Territory Iinformation and Survey Engineering Department Xuzhou Normal University; Department of Territory Resource Information and Surveying; Engineering of Xuzhou Normal University

国家海洋局第一海洋研究所海洋测绘与工程信息研究中心  The Center for Ocean Mapping and Engineering Research; FiO

中国人民解放军信息工程大学测绘学院  Institute of Surveying and Mapping; information engineering university

中南大学信息物理工程学院测绘与国土信息工程系  Department of Geomatics of Engineering; central south university; School of Info-Physics and Geomatics Engineering Institute

中南工业大学国土信息工程所  middle south industry university

解放军信息工程大学测绘学院  Institute of Surveying and Mapping of Information Engineering University; PLA Information Engineering University Surveying and Mapping College; The Surveying and Mapping Institute of The Information Engineering University of PLA; PLA Information Engineering University Surveying and Mapping Institute; Institute of Surveying and Mapping; Surveying and Mapping Institute of Information Engineering University; information engineering university; information engineer university; information eengineering university; information engineering; University; Institute of Surveying and Maping; PLA Information Engineering University; University of Information Engineering; Institute of Survey and Mapping; zhengzhou; henan; 4550052; Instiute of Surveying Mapping; pla; InstituteofSurveyingandMapping; InformationEngineeringUniversity; School of Surveying and Mapping; Information Engineering University of PLA; School of S/M; PLA University of Information Engineering; Institution of Surveying and Mapping

解放军信息工程大学测绘学院;75711部队  Institute of Surveying and Mapping; information engineering university

解放军信息工程大学测绘学院;海军海洋测绘研究所  Institute of Surveying and Mapping; information engineering university

信息工程大学测绘学院  Surveying and Mapping Institute of Information Engineering University; Institute of Surveying and Mapping Information Engineering University; Surveying and Mapping Institute of Information and Engineering University; Institute of Surveying and Mapping of Information Engineering University; Mapping and Surveying Institute of Information Engineering University; Institute of Surveying and Mapping; Information Engine ering University; University of Information Engineering; Institution of Surving and Mapping; information engineering university; Information and Engineering University; In formation Engineering University; Surveying and Mapping Institute; Department of Surveying and Mapping

信息工程大学测绘学院;西安测绘总站  Institute of Surveying and Mapping; information engineering university

信息工程大学测绘学院一系  Institute of Surveying and Mapping; information engineering university

郑州解放军信息工程大学测绘学院  Institute of Surveying and Mapping; information engineering university

长安大学地质工程与测绘工程学院;中国地质大学地质系  Department of Geology and Geodesy; Chang’an Univ.

中国地质大学测绘信息工程系  Department of Surveying and Mapping Information; China University of Geosciences





