


coronary artery disease

2型糖尿病合并冠心病  type 2 diabetes mellites complicated by coronary h

A型性格冠心病患者  Type A personality CHD patients; A type personality CAD patients

参芪冠心片  shenqi guanxin pill

参乌冠心冲剂  Shenwu Guanxin granule preparation; Shenwu-coronary soluble preparation

邓老冠心胶囊  denglao guanxin capsule

盾叶冠心宁片  dunye guanxinning tablet

冠心病胸痛  Non-coronary disease chest pain

肺心病合并冠心病  pulmonary heart disease with coronary heart disease

冠心Ⅱ号  Guanxin; Guanxin Ⅱ prescription; Guanxin

冠心病  Hypertension; Lipid; coronary heart disease; amprphous alloys; coronary heart diseas; corona heart disease; Coronay artery disease; Coronery heart disease; silence myocardial ischemia threshold; neutrophil elastase; coronary atherosclerotic cardiopathy; Myeloperoxidase; Coronary cardiopathy; Cononary heart disease; Roxithromycin; Coranary heart disease; Dipyridamole electrocardiography stress test; Cardiovascular disease; Operation; Disease; acute myocardial infarction; unstable angina; Coronary artery disease CAD; coronary angiography CAG; atherosclerotic coronary artery disease; Tongxinluo; coronary atherosclerosis; type 2 diabetes; coronary heart disease CHD; coronaryarterydisease; coro-naryarterydisease; Corcoary neart disease; coronary artery bypass; cornary heat disease; cad; coronary heart disedse; coronary heartdisease; aerolite1; coronary hert disease; cardiovascular; coronary atherosclerosis heart disease; acute coronary syndrome; coronary artery diseaes; coronary heatr disease; coronary artery; Huangyangning injection; Coronay heart disease; ventricular premature; Gene polymorphism; coronary heart di sease; polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism; tumor necrosis factor; amplitude-frequency characteristic compensation; amprphous; coronary artery disease; ROC; vascular endothelial function; CHD; coronary bean disease; coronary atherosclerosis disease; coronary disease; coronary artery angiography; Coron aryartery disease; Coronary; Cardiac artory disease; coronary heart disesse; Coronary heart disease Type 2 diabeters; ampoule help breaker; Oxygen pulse peak; Coronary arterial disease; corobary heart disease; long-term outcome; coronary heart diseease; heart disease; coronary artery diseases; QT dispersion; Coronary atherosclerotic disease; Coronary heart direase; yiqi huoxue; Cardiac heart disease; amplitude-preserved migration; buck quartz; cornary heart disease; Corbnary artery disease; tomography; homocysteine; coronary heart biscase; adiponectin; atherosclerosis; multi-vessel lesions; coronary artery heart disease; Coronary atrery disease; coronary atherosclerotic heart disease; Hb; coronary heart disaese; cosonary heart disease; Coronary heart diease; ampoule glass; Non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol; endothelial function; ampR; Coronary heart desease; hyperlipidemia; oronary heart disease; logistic model; Cornary artery disease; ampoule printing and packaging machine; Caronary heart disease; acs; Coronory heart disease; Coronary heart diseases; huangqi injection; cornary heart diseas; Actual Total Loss of Collided Vessel; heart coronary disease; percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; coronary heat disease; coronary heart

冠心病CHD  coronary heart disease

冠心病伴慢性牙周炎患者  Periodontitis patients accompanied with coronary heart disease periodontitis

冠心病不稳定型心绞痛  Coronary disease unstable angina

冠心病猝死  sudden coronary death

冠心病搭桥术  CABG

冠心病高危险群  Coronary artery disease high-risk population

冠心病高危因素  Risk factors for health

冠心病冠状动脉造影术  coronary angiography

冠心病合并高血压病  coronary heart disease complicated with hypertensi





