


innovative technology; science new ground

创新科技署  Innovation and Technology Commission

创新科技委员会  Commission on Innovation and Technology [CIT

大学生科技创新  university students’ innovation of science and tec

地震科技创新体系  the seismic creation system; innovative system of science and technology

高校科技创新管理  Colleges and Universities Scientific and Technological Innovation Management

高校科技创新团队  university science and technology innovation team; university scientific innovation team

国家科技创新体系  state technological innovation system

科技创新  technical innovation; technological innovation; Scientific and technical innovation; Sci-Tech innovation; technology innovation; Scientific and Technical Creation; Innovation; Innovation to Science and Technology; innovation of science and technology; Innovation of technology and science; Innovation in science and technology; creation in science and technology; innovation of science and tech; Science and technology innovation; Innovation of Scientific and Technological; scientific and technological innovation; Scientific recreatment; science and technique creation; Innovation of Medical Science and Technology; technique creation; scientific innovation; creation of science and technology; scientific and technical innovations; science innovation; knowledge innovation; Bring forth new ideas in science and technology; geological exploration economy; scientific technology and innovation; bring forth new ideas of science and technology; Scientific creativity; science and technology innovations; Innovation technology; technical progress; technological creation; innovative researches; innovative science and technology; science-technique innovation; blaging new trails into tcehnology; scientific and technological innovations; scientificand technological innovation; scientifc and technical innovations; science - technological innovation; Topic phrase:new technology; ST innovation; regional power grid; innovation of technology; science and technical innovation; sci-technology innovation; science and technology creation; scietific and technological innovation; innovation of science and technology research; sic-tech innovaton; technologically creative

科技创新六个一工程  Scientific and Technological Innovation Six One Project; Technology innovation Six one Project; The Scientific and Technological Innovation Six One Project

科技创新成果  Scientific and Technological Innovation and Creation

科技创新创业人才  talented people of scientific and technological in

科技创新导报  Science and Technology Innovation Herald

科技创新工程  innovative project in science and technology

科技创新环境水平  levels of scientific and technological innovation

科技创新活动  undergraduate research activity; activities for science and technology innovation

科技创新基金  innovation fund; technology innovation fund

科技创新绩效  performance of scientific and technological innova

科技创新力  Science and Technology Innovation Ability

科技创新联盟  technology innovation alliance





