


sustainable development research center; huazhong normal university; central china normal university

山东大学可持续发展研究中心  Sustainable Development Research Center of Shandong University; Jinan Shandong 25100 China

浙江大学可持续发展研究中心  The Economic School of Zhejiang University

大连民族学院民族地区可持续发展研究中心  Sustainable Development Research Center in National regions; dalian nationality university

河南大学黄河文明与可持续发展研究中心  Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development; College of History and Culture; henan university

辽宁师范大学;海洋经济与可持续发展研究中心  Research Center of Marine Economy and Sustainable Development; liaoning normal university

辽宁师范大学海洋经济可持续发展研究中心  Centre for the Sustainable Development of Marine Economy Liaoning Normal University; Research Centre of Oceanic Economy and Sustainable Development; liaoning normal university; Center for Marine Economy Sustainable Development Research; Sustainable Development Academe of Oceanic Economy; Center for Studies of Marine Economy and Sustainable Development; liaoning nonnal univenity; The Sustainable Development Center of Marine Economy; Center for Marine Economic and Sustainable Development; Research Center of Ocean Economy Sustainable Development

辽宁师范大学海洋经济与可持续发展研究中心  Center for the Marine Economy and Sustainable Development Liaoning Normal University; Center for Marine Economy and Sustainable Development Liaoning Normal University; Center for Studies of Marine Economy and Sustainable Development; liaoning normal university; Center for Studies Marine Economy and Sustainable Development; Marine Economy and Sustainable Development Research Center; The Marine Economy and Sustainable Development Center; Study Center of Marine Economy and Sustainable Development; Center of Marine Economy and Sustainable Development; Center for Study Marine Economy and Sustainable Development; Sustained Development Center of Marine Economy; Research Center of Marine Economy and Sustainable Development

山东师范大学山东省可持续发展研究中心  Sustainable Development Research Center of Shandong Normal University; Sustainable Development Research Center of Shandong Province; shandong normal university

中国社会科学院可持续发展研究中心  Research Centre for Sustainable Development; ChineseAcademy of Social Sciences; Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Research Cenrte for Sustainable Development; the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Research Center for Sustainable Development

加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学可持续发展研究所  sustainable development research institute; british colombia university; Canada

重庆大学可持续发展研究院  Institute of Sustainable Development; chongqing university; Chongqing 40044

北京大学中国持续发展研究中心  Center for Sustainable Development of China; Research Center for China’s Sustainable Development of Peking Uiversity; beijing; 1 0 0 871; Research Centerfor China’s Sustainable Development of Peking University; china sustainable development research centre; peking university; Research Center of China Sustainable Development; beijing university; China Center for Sustainable Development Research

国务院发展研究中心发展战略和区域经济研究部  Development Research Center of the State Council

湖南师范大学GIS研究中心  GIS Research Centre; hunan normal university

华中师范大学学报  Journal of Central China Normal University; Journal of Huazhong Normal University

清华大学环境科学与工程系;清华大学POPs研究中心  Department of Environmental Science Engineering; POPs Research Center; tsinghua university

辽宁师范大学海洋经济可持续发展中心  marine economy sustainable development center; liaoning normal university

辽宁师范大学海洋经济与可持续发展中心  Research center for marine economy and sustainable development of Liaoning Normal University; Center for Study of Marine Economy and Sustainable Development; liaoning normal university; Marine Economy and Sustainable Development Centre; Center for Studies of Marine Economy and Sustainable Development; Sustained Development Center of Marine Economy; Research Center for Marine Economy and Sustainable Development

辽宁师范大学海洋与经济可持续发展中心  The Sustainable Development Research Center of Marine Economy; liaoning normal university





