



多变性基因  multimutating gene

肝脏第一阶段与第二阶段代谢异物酵素基因多形性  phase Ⅰ and phaseⅡ xenobiotic enzymes gene polymor

基因多形性  genetic polymorphism; polymorphism; genetic polymorphisms; Gene polymorphism

主基因+多基因  mixed major gene and polygene genetic model; major gene+polygene; Mixed major gene plus polygene inheritance; Major gene and polygene genetic model; major-gene plus polygene; Major gene and polygene inheritance model; Major gene+ polygene; mixed major gene plus polygenes inheritance; major gene plus polygene model; major gene + polygene; major gene and polygene; major gene plus polygene; Major gene plus poly-gene; major genes plus polygenes

主基因+多基因混合遗传  Major gene plus polygene mixed inheritance; major gene and polygene mixed inheritance; Main gene+polygene mixed genetics; Major genes plus polygene mixed inheritance

主基因+多基因混合遗传分析  major gene plus polygene mixed inheritance analysis

主基因+多基因混合遗传模型  mixed major gene and polygene inheritance model; Major gene+polygene mixed inheritance model; major gene plus polygene mixed inheritance model; Major gene plus polygene mixed genetic model; Major-gene plus polygenes mixed inheritance model; Mixed major genes plus poly-gene genetic model; Major and ploygene mixed inheritance; Mixed major genes plus polygene inheritance models; major genes plus polygenes mixed inheritance model; mixed major-gene plus polygenes inheritance model; Major gene + polygene mixed inheritance model

主基因+多基因混合遗传模型分离分析  Segregation analysis based on mixed major gene and

主基因+多基因遗传  Major genes plus polygenes inheritance

主基因+多基因遗传分析  Major gene plus poly gene inheritance analysis

主基因+多基因遗传模型  Major genes plus polygene model; Major gene plus polygene mixed inheritance models; mixed major gene plus polygene mixed inheritance m; genetic model of major gene plus poly gene; mixed major gene and polygene inheritance model; mixed major-gene plus polygenes inheritance model

主基因-多基因  Major gene-polygene; major gene and polygene; host gene-multi-genes

主基因-多基因混合遗传  major gene and polygene mixed inheritance

主基因-多基因混合遗传模型  mixed major gene and polygene inheritance model; mixed inheritance models

主基因-多基因模型  Major gene and polygene model

主基因-多基因遗传  major gene and polygene mixed inheritance

主基因-多基因遗传模型  Major gene plus polygenes genetic model; Major-gene plus Polygenes genetic models

多形性变异  polymorphism

1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸氧化酶基因ACO基因  1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase gene aco





