


compound danshen dropping pill; fufang danshen diwan; compound Danshen Droplet-pill; compound danshen droplet; Compound Dripping Pill of Danshen; Comples salviae pill; compound salvia dropping pills; compound Danshen drop pill; aluminium foils; Compound recipe of Danshen drop pills; compound salvia miltiorrhiza pills; compound Danshen drop pills; composite salviae dropping pill; precaution of disease; Compound Danshen dropping pills; compound red-rooted salvia; composite salviae droping pill; compound danshen dripping pill; compound danshen droplet pill; compound danshen diwan; pill Dan Shen complex; Compound salvia pellet; Composite denshen pilulae; Denshen pill; compound recipe Salvia miltiorrhiza drop pill; compound danshen dripping pills; fufang danshen droplet; Compound Dan-shen root droping pill

复方丹参滴丸(DSP)  auxiliary switch

复方丹参方  complex prescription of Radix Salvial milti orrhizal; fufangdanshen; fufang danshen prescription

复方丹参  compound recipe Danshen; salvia; compound salvia injection; compound danshen; Polyssaccharide sulfate; compound red-rooted salvia; FuFang Danshen; salvia miltiorrhizae composita; compound salvia miltiorrhiza; Radix salviae miltiorrhiae; Salviae miltiorrhiza radix; artery perfusion; Composite salvia; composite salvia injection; salvia milteorrhiza; Injectable composed Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bge; Salviae Mil tiorrh iza Radix; salvia miltiorrhiza compound; Radix salviae miltiorrhiza co; complex salvia miltiorrhizae; compound dan-shen root; spinal cord injury; Salvia miltiorrhiza; tanshinone; salvial miltiorrhiza Co; Danshen; Salvia miltiorrhazae compound

复方丹参萃取液  extract lqiuid of compound salvia miltiorrhiza

复方丹参膏  compound semifluid extract of red sage root

复方丹参合剂  compound Danshen mixture; compound Danshen root mixture; salvia miltiorrhiza compound; Danshen mixture; Danshen root compound; dan shen mixture

复方丹参缓释片  Compound Danshen Sustained-release Tablet CDST

复方丹参降香  Complex prescription Danshen-Jiangxing

复方丹参颗粒  Fufang Danshen granules

复方丹参口腔崩解片  FuFang Danshen

复方丹参片  fufang danshen tablets; compound salvia miltrorrhiza tablet CSMT; compound Danshen Tablet; complex dan shen tablet; Fufangdanshen pian; aluminium foil stocks; fufang danshen tablet; fufang danshen pian; compound dansheng tablets; Compound Salviae miltiorrhizae tablet; compound Tanshen tablet; Compound tablet of red sage root; compound salvia tablets; Compound Danshen pill; composite salvia miltiorrhiza tablet; Fufang Danshen FFDS Tablets; Compound Danshen troche; danshen tablet; compound danshen tablets; Tab Compound red-rooted Salvia; fd; Compound Tanshinon tablet; compound salvia tablet; compound salvia miltiorrhiza tablet; complex {dan shen} tablet

复方丹参片(FFDST)  fufang danshen tablets

复方丹参提取物  extracts of compound Danshen

复方丹参液香丹液  fufangdanshen liquid

复方丹参制剂  Fufang Danshen preparations

复方丹参注射液  composite salvia injection; acute cerebral hemorrhage; Danshen injection; compound salivia miltorrhiza injection; Salviae mtltiorrhizae compound injection; compound Tanshin injection; CSI; Injection salviae miltiorrhizae; composite radix salviae miltiorrhizae injection; Compound Salviae miltiorrhizae injection; compound salvia miltiorrhiza injection; composite salvia miltiorrhiza injection; Salvia miltiorrhiza; Salvia miltiorrhiza injection; Fufang Danshen injection; block situation test; fufangdanshen injection; Compound dansheng injection; compound recipe Salvia miltiorrhiza injection; compound salvia injection; compound danshen injection; composite retrobulbar injection; salvia miltiorrhiza compound; Complex prescription salvnotmiltiorrhiza parenteral solution; Compound Dansen injection; intermaxillary contrature; Injection of compound Danshen; compound injection of danshen; compound radix salivae miltiorrhizae injection; injectio salviae miltiorrhizae composita; composite Danshen injection; fufang danshen zhusheye; Compound Salvia Miltiorrhizal injection; aluminium foil stock; Co-Salvia Miltiorrhiza injection; Compound salvia miltiorrhiza root injection; compound injection of red sage root

丹参滴丸  salviae dropping pill; dan shen pill; Compound Danshen pill

黄芪丹参滴丸  huangqi danshen drop pill

复方LEV滴鼻液  Compound LEV nasal drops





