


Minjiang upriver and Qingyijiang river basin

岷江上游流域  the upper reaches of Minjiang river

赣江中上游流域  upper and middle course of Gan River

湘江流域中上游  upper and middle reaches of Xiangjiang River

长江上游流域  Upper reaches of the Yangtze River; Yangtze River upper reaches

长江中游流域  middle reaches of the Yangtze River

东江上游流域  Upriver basin of Dongjiang River

嘉陵江上游流域  Jialingjiang upper reaches region

青衣江流域  Qingyijiang river basin

洞庭湖流域中上游地区  middle and upper reaches of Dongting Lake watershe

泾河中上游流域  Jinghe river channels

岷江流域  the Minjiang River valley; Reaches of Minjiang River; minjiang river basin; Minjiang River drainage system

岷江上游  upper min river; the upper reaches of Minjiang river; Upper reach of Minjiang; Upper reaches of Minjiang River; the upper reach of Minjiang river; Upper reaches of the Minjiang river; upper minjiang river; the upper reaches of Min River; upper reach of Minjiang river; the Upper Min River Basin; The upper reach of the Minjiang River; upper reache of Minjiang River; the upper Minjiang River; the upper reaches of the Minjiang River; The upper reaches of the Minjing River; upper branch of the Minjiang River; upper Minjiang River Basin; the upper reaches of the Mm River; Minjiang River upper; minjiang river; upper of mingjiang river; upstream area of Minjiang River; upstream of minjiang catchment; the upper reaches of Mm River; the upper reaches of the Min jiang River; Minjiang Jiang watershed; land use and cover change; upper reach of the Min-jiang River; upstream of the Minjiang River

岷江上游地区  upper Minjiang River Basin; upper reach of Minjiang river; the upper reaches of Minjiang river

岷江上游叠溪  Diexi in the upper Minjiang River

岷江上游干旱河谷  Dry valley of upper Minjiang River; Dry River Valley of Minjiang’s Upper Course; dry valley of Minjiang River

岷江中游段  middle reaches of Minjiang River

长江流域江苏段  Jiangsu part of the Yangtze River Basin

长江上中游  upper and middle Yangtze River

长江上中游地区  middle and upper Yangtze River





