


Engineer surveying; engineering surveying

长春科技大学测量工程系  A320; Changchun University of Science and Technology

河海大学测量工程系  Hohai university Surveying Engineering Department; Department of Surveying and Mapping Engineering of Hohai University; hohai university; Department of Surveying Engineering; he hai university

河南理工大学测量工程系  Department of Surveying Engineering; henan polytechnic university

河南理工大学测量工程学院  henan polytechnic university

辽宁工程技术大学测量工程系  Liaoning University of Technclogy; The Department of Engineering Technology; Liaoning University of Technology; Department of Surveying Engineering; liaoning technical university

西安科技大学测量工程系  Department of Surveying Engineering; Xi′an University of Science and Technology; Dept.of Surveying Engineering; Xi’an University of Science and Technology

西南交通大学测量工程系  south west jiaqtong university; southwest jiaotong university; south west jiaotong university; Surveying Engineering Department of Southwest Jiaotong University; Southwest Jiaotong llniversity; Dept. of Surveying Eng.; Dept.of Surveying Engineering; Dept of Surv Eng; The Department of Surveying Engineering; Department of Surveying Engineering; surveying engineering department; Department of Surveying Engineering SouthwestJiaotong Unirereity; chengdu; China 6lOO31; School of Civil Eng.; Dept. of Surveying Engineering; southwest jiaotng university; survey engineering department; Dept.of Sury.Eng

北京建筑工程学院测量工程系  Department of Surveying Eng.; Beijing Institute of Construction Eng.and Architecture; Beijing Institute of Construction Eng. Architecture; departmentof surveying eng.; Beijing Institute of Civil Eng. Architecture

东华理工学院测量工程系  Surveying Department of East China Institute of Technology

阜新矿业学院工程测量研究所  enqineering survey institute

工程人体测量学  engineering anthropometry

华东地质学院工程测量系  Department of Engineering Survey; Department of survey East China Geologilal Institute

焦作工学院测量工程系  Jiaozuo Institute of Technology

解放军测绘学院测量与定位工程系  Dept. of Geodesy; Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying and Mapping

上海理工大学动力工程学院颗粒与两相流测量技术研究所  University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

上海同济大学测量与国土信息工程系  The Survey and Land Information Engineering Department of Tongji University

四川建筑职业技术学院交通与市政工程系测量工程研究所  Institute of Engineering Surveying; Sichuan College of Architectural Technology

同济大学测量与国土信息工程系  The Survey and Land Information Engineering De partment of Tongji University; TongJi University College of Civil Engineering Shanghai; Department of Surveying and Geo-informatics Tongji University; Surveying and Land Information Engineering Department of Tongji University; tonji universty; Department of Survey and Land Information; Department of Surveying and Geomatics; tongji university; Surveying and Geo-Informatics Department; Department of Survey and Geo-Informatics; The Department of Surveying and Geo-informatics; Department of Surveying and Geo-informations; Dept. of Surveying and Land Information Engineering; Dep. of Surveying and Geoinformatics; Department of Surveying and Geo-informatics; Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics; Department of Surveying and Land Information Engineering; Dept. of Surveying and Geo informatics; Dept. of Surveying Geo-Informatics; Dept.of Surveying and Geoinformatics; Dept.of Surveying and Geo-Informatics; Civil Engineering College of Tongji University; Shanghai 20092; Tongji Univ ersity; Dept.of Survey and Land Information Engineering

同济大学测量与国土信息工程学院  Surveying and Land Information Engineering Department of Tongji University





