



工程量计价清单  Detailed List of Project Volume

工程量清单计价  valuation of engineering detailed list; valuation mode of BOQ; Valuation with Bill Quantity; bill of quantities cost estimation; Bill of Engineering Quantity; engineering bill pricing; Valuation with Bill of Quantities; Engineering quantity list valuation; work quantity list pricing; Pricing in Bill of Quantities; List of Quantities Pricing; valuation with engineering bill quantity; engineering account bill; the quantity sheet for valuation; bill of quantites valuation; Bill of Quantities; assessing value by bills of quantities; bill quantity of construction works; valuation inventory with amount of works; BOQ Pricing

工程量清单计价法  Valuation method of engineering volume list

工程量清单计价方法  Way of Pricing Through Bill of Quantity

工程量清单计价模式  the model of valuation with bill of quantity; model of bill quantity calculating price; BOQ model of pricing; bill of qualities pricing method; BOQ mode

水利工程工程量清单  hydrodynamic BOQ

地震工程与工程振动  Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration

负责有关工程的工程师  project engineer

工程计量与费用支付  work measurement and cost payment

工程量计量  engineering quantity calculate

工程量清单  engineering list; Project ameunt bill; Engineering detailed list; project lists; Bill of Engineering Quantities; bill quantity; Bill of Quantities; listing amount of works; detailed quantity list; bill of project quantity; fabrication cost by project quantity bill; list of amount of projects; bill of project quantities; engineering quantity detailed list; with bill quantit; List of Quantities; quantities list; bill of quantity; Priced Bill of Quantities; Bills of Quantities; Detailed list of engineering amount; project quantity bill; BOQ; engineering amount detailed list; resilience detailed list; engineering volumn bill; engineering work load lists; bill quantities of construction; construction quantity bill; bill of quontities; sheet of engineering quantity; engineering quantity bill; list of engineering amount; engineering- quantity list; project quantity list; detailed quantities list; engineering workload list; bill of construction quantity; bill of quantifies; the bills of quantity; Project number bill; Detailed list of engineering quantity; Detailed evaluating list of project; project amount list price; the bill of quantity; BQ bill; bill of project; Bill of Engineering Quantity; list of engineering volume; detailed lists of project amounts; bill of quantities BOQ

工程量清单报价  absolutely concave function

工程量清单报价原则  The principle for the Quote Price Based on the Lis

工程量清单招标  bidding with bills of quantities

清单工程量  quantities of project

设计工程的程控可靠性  programmed reliability in design engineering; pride

谐振在工程中的应用  Engineering Application of resonance

定量的、计量的  Quantitative

设计存在问题  The Problems in the Design

水价存在问题  issues existed in water price





