


Conversion; Development; retrofit; altertion; renovation; Rebuilding; Transformation; MODIFICATON; modulation; reconstruction; Improvement; restructuring; Rebuilded; modification; Gene modification; Revamping; reforming; upgrade; Rebuild; reconstuction; reform; Innovation; Reforma tion; countermeasure; rebuilt; revamp; improve; technical modification; reconstructing; Replacement; amelioration; Changed; brick silo; Alteration; transform; reformation; Recombination; Remold; crack analysis; Refurbishment; upgrading; structure renovation; improving; reconstruct; Technical reform; transforming; Rehibilitation; reconnaissance sampling; main-part structure; Rehabilitation; Renewal; mod-ification; Renovating; Technological reform; Remould; platform; Reconstru- ction; restructure; Restoration; refit; administer station; Asphalt concrete; Remaking; transformed; Change; remodeling; rehabilitate; refomation; Convert; conservation; technical improvement; Remoulding; Alternation; Adaptation; stimulation; YSSB; technical modernization; innovatione; domestic reform; Regeneration; technological innovation; Retrofitting classification; modificationX; technical renovation; trans-formation; dual-cooling water distribution parameter; construction; redevelopment; production line; Sintering; welding coefficient; bioadhesiveness; Equipment; technical innovation; modernize; improvemeat; retrofitting; technical transformation; Summary; transforation; innovate; Reconsturction; Revampment; technical transform; modifications; potential development through renovation; Modifying; improvement measure; Technical reconstruction; Operation; revamps; revamping optimization; evamp; respectivity; Rectification; modify; Technique modification; Process; dryer; restart; Re-make; Remake; increasing reformation; Modernisation; Innovative modification; spinning reform; remodelling; modermization; revampimg; renovate; Correction; remouding; Transfonnation; Technical reformation; eavamping; innovat; transforms; Remodification; innovati on; improvment; modernization; Transformation of Settler; structure moification; UPGRADES; Circulating fluidized-bed combustion(CFBC)technology; Damage analysis; Pipe diameter; mend; technic improvement; configuration; Imporvement; altera tion; Updating; modernizatio; retrofitr; RRepower; Back-pressure Turbine; Recast; renovations; reconstructed; reshaping; renovation project; retrofire; boiler rebuilding; trunsform; old power plant; Technical reforming; Sorbent injection into furnace and calcium oxide activation; technological process; improvements; retrofit optimization; trans- form; Re-construction; improving efficiency; Transfer; RECONSTRUCTON; DCS transformation; r estruction; Reinstallation; inprovement; Improvenent; reforment; transfo; modified; rechange; technological alteration; Refitment; Profit; DF 4 type locomotove; enhancement; remolding; retrofi; Transfor-mation; Transfrom; re-power; Amendment; Repowering; Transportation; retrof; reformati; reformati on; modernizing retrofit; replace; develop; thought; Practice; reshape; new-model; to alter; to transform; to change

空心村改造  hollow village reconstruction

提铁降硅技术改造  Iron improvement and silicon reduction technical transformation

以大代小改造  retrofit scheme upon substitution of large for small

1000t吨甲板驳改造  transformation of 1000 tons deck barge

105国道改造工程  upgrading project of National Road 105

ABS改造  ABS reformation

AB工艺的改造  reconstruct of AB process

B→O血型改造  B→O blood conversion

CATV改造  CATV reforming

DCS改造  DCS improvement; DCS modification; DCS rebuilding; DCS reform

DCS系统改造工程  DCS system upgrading project

DEH改造  DEH trasformation; DEH retrofit

FDFCC改造  technical upgrade with FDFCC technology

FPSO改造  FPSO modification

gns改造定理  gns reconstruction theorem

HACH磷表的改造  Alteration of HACH phosphate analyzer

IEGT桥臂改造  IEGT bridge arm modification

KBM磨内改造技术  KBM in-mill reconstruction technology

PASSIM大修改造  PASSIM rebuilding

PE装置改造  PE installtation improvement





