


Gas chromatograpyh; gas cinematography; Gas chromathography; gc-fpd; gas chromatographic GC; gas chromatography; gas chromatogram GC; gas-chromatography; gaschromatography; GC analysis; Bai Juyi’s home; solid-phase extraction SPE; Determination; GC-chromatography; chromatography; gas chromatograpy; capillary column; Residue determination; drug metabolism; Cellular fatty acid; workplace air; gas chromatographic; BAI Xian- yong; gc-ecd; gas-chromotograph; Alkatox; gas-chromotography; GC gas chromatography; gas chromatograghy; Solid-Phase Extraction(SPE; electroantennographic detector; Gas chromatograph GC; gas chromatographic method; gas phase chromatography; sample preparation; residue; HPLC; gas chromatogram; gas chromatrgraphy; GC; Gas chromatograph spectrometer; capillary GC; capillary gas chromatography; gas chromatography GC; Gas chromatogra phy; Gas chro matographic; Gas chromatograhy; Soil; bai fu tang(the white-lotus hall; GLC; Headspace gas chomatography; Vegetable; fingerprints; gas chromatograph; Gas; chromatographic analysis; Coking production; Gas chromatography method; chromatographer; 4-dinitrochlorobenzene; Gao chromatography; gc-fid; gas chromatography spectrometry; gas chro-matography; Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; Plasma; ancophilous; Pesticide residue; gas chroma-(tography; gas chromatoraphy; gc/ms; gas phase chromatogram; gc-ms; CC; GS; Gas chramatography; Pyrolysis methylation; ancillary currency; Ancint literary of leshan; chromatograph; Gas chromatographic measurement; polar compounds; gag chromatography; pyrethroid; trace hydrocarbons; gaseous phase chromatogram; gas chrom atography; Chromatogrphy; phthalate; gas charomatography; solid-phase extraction; G4; gas chtomatograph; L-phenylanine; Gas chromatogra-Phy; gas chromatography-nitrogen phosphorous detection; gas-chromatogram; Phenol; High temperature gas chromatograph; cryogenic preparation gas chromatography; arabinosylcytosine; Gas chromatographs; gas chromatography test; gasous phase chromatography; gas chromatorgarma; gaseous chromatograph; ammunition packaging box; gap loss; gaming simulation; gaschromatogram; Organochlorine pesticide; gaseous-phase chromatogram GC; gas choromatograph; biodiesel; gac chromatography; gas chromatogrphy

3420气相色谱仪  3420 gas chromatography

GC-MS(气相色谱-质谱)  gc-ms

GC-MS气相色谱-质谱  gc-ms

GC-MS气相色谱质谱联用仪  gc-ms

GC气相色谱  GC

ZTGC-900D型气相色谱仪  type ZTGC-900D gas chromatograph

饱和烃气相色谱  gas chromatogram of saturated hydrocarbon; saturated hydrocarbon gas chromatography

比色管顶空气相色谱法  Colorimetric tube headspace gas chromatography

吡草醚的气相色谱分析  Determination of Pyraflufen-ethyl by GC

便携式气相色谱  portable gas chromatography; Portable GC

便携式气相色谱/质谱联用仪  Portable gas chromatography-mass spectrometer

便携式气相色谱仪  portable gas chromatograph

便携式气相色谱-质谱仪  portable gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS; portable gas chromatography-mass spectrometry GC-M

玻璃毛细管气相色谱  GCGC; glass capillary gas chromatography

车载气相色谱  Portable GC

车载式气相色谱仪  Vehicle-mounted GC

程序变流气相色谱法  programmed flow gas chromatography

程序变压气相色谱法  programmed pressure gas chromatography

程序升温气相色谱法  arising temperature of procedure-gas chromatography; arising temperature of procedure-gas chromatograph; programmed- temperature gas chromatography; programmed temperature gas chromatography

冲天炉用气相色谱仪  gas chromatograph for cupola furnace





