


East China Geological Explortaion Institute of Non-ferrous Metals

江苏省有色金属华东地质勘查局  East China Geological Exploration Bureau of Nonferrous Metals

江苏省有色金属华东地质勘查局814队  Team 814 of East China Nonferrous Metals Geological Exploration Bureau; Zhenjiang Jiangsu 212005

江苏省有色金属华东地质勘查局八一四队  Team 814 of East China Nonferrous Metals Geo-exploration Bureau; Zhenjiang; Jiangsu 212005

华东有色地质矿产勘查开发院  east china nonferrous metals geological exploration institute; nonferrous; Geological and Minerals Exploration Institute of East China

江西有色地质矿查勘查开发院  Jiangxi Institute of Geological Prospecting and Mineral Resource Exploitation for Non ferrous Metals

江西有色地质矿产勘查开发院  Jiangxi Research Institute of Nonferrous Metals Geology and Mineral Resource Exploration; Jiangxi Geologicl Exploration Institute for Nonferrous Metals; Jiangxi Geological Exploration Institute for Nonferrous Metals; Jiangxi Nonferrous Metal Mineral Resources Geo-exploration bureau; Jiangxi Nonferrous Metal Geological Exploration and Development Institute; Jiangxi nonferrous metals geological exploration Institute

黑龙江省有色金属地质勘查七○七队  Team 707; Bureau of Nonferrous Metals of Jilin Province; Shuihua 152054

黑龙江省有色金属地质勘查七0六队  No.706 Team of Heilongjiang Nonferrous Metals Geo-exploration Bureau; Qiqiha’er; Heilongjiang 161031

浙江有色地质矿产勘查院  Zhejiang Institute of Nonferrous Geological and Mineral Exploration

广东省有色金属地质勘查局931队  The 931 Team of Guangdong Non-Ferrous Metals Geological Exploration Bureau; Shantou Guangdong 515041

广东省有色金属地质勘查局地质勘查研究院  geological survey institute; guangdong nonferrous metals geological survey bureau

广东省有色金属地质勘查局九三一队  The 931 Team of Guangdong Non-Ferrous Metals Geological Exploration Bureau; Shantou 515041; guangdong

贵州省有色地质矿产勘查院  Guizhou Exploration Institute of Geology for Nonferrous Mineral Resources

吉林省有色金属地质勘查院  Institute of Nonferrous Metal Geologic and Exploration of Jilin Province

青海省有色地质矿产勘查院  Qinghai Geo-exploration Institute for Nonferrous Metals

山东省地质矿产勘查开发局  Shandong Exploration bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources; Bewcastle; Shandong Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources; shandong geological exploration bureau

江西省地质矿产勘查开发局  antirustpaint; anti-rusts; Jiangxi Exploration and Development Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources

江西省地质矿产勘查开发局908大队  908 Geological Party; JBEDGMR; Ganzhou 341000

江西省地质矿产勘查开发局912大队  912Geological Party of JBGMRED; Yingtan335001





