


bioactivioty; bio activatity; Biolgical activities; pharmaceutical activity; Activity; Meat tenderness; bilolgical activity; Bioassay activity; biological activitie; total synthesis; ALP activity; Bioactivitiy; Virulent activity; biological function; bioacitivity; Bioreactivity; Biological; biological activity; cytotoxicity; immunoactivities; antioxidative effect; reactionogenicity; biologicalactivites; antioxidant activity; biologicial activity; Biology actitivty; insecticidal activities; biologic activity; acrylic nitrile; antifungal activity; pharmacology active; phytotoxicity; biological active; Bio activities; Bioactivity assay; desquamation fault; Pharmacological action; bioactivities; bio-activities; bio activation; bioactivitv; nutrient compositions; Pharmacology; biology activity; pharmacolo; bio activity; Fermentation; bioactive; bio-active; Bioactivi ties; acarocidal activity; biological activities; bioactive function; pharmacological activities; biologicas activity; biologic activities; physiological activity; Plutella xylostella; acarocidal activities; biological activitiy; bioactivity; bio-activity; Effect; antibiotic activity; insecticidal activity; expression; biological properties; biological activit; Biotic activity; Biological activety; bioassay; Bioassay of activity; antimicrobial; efficacy; biomass activity; Availability; Biological functions; Bioavailability; biological activi-ty; bioactive activity; activity of microorganism; Biologic activitiy; biological test; HXTB; biologicalactivity; HEK-293T cells; microorganism activity; biological actirity; biological evaluation; anti inflammatory activity; biologycal activity; Insecticide; bioalogical activity; biological activiy; antimicrobial activity; biologioal activity; Bological activity; biological activitity; dismutation; antibacterial activities; biologi-cal activity; Bioiogical activity; antibacterial activity; herbicidal activity; Microbial activity; anti-HIV-1 PR activity; hiological activity; biodistribution; pharmacological effects; creaturely activity; fungicidal activity; bioactive material; Biologcal activities; enzyme activity; characterization

阿片样生物活性  Opioid peptide-like activity

表达生物活性  Expression biology acting

表面生物活性  surface bioactivity

表面生物活性化  bioactive surface engineering

冰核活性生物  ice nucleation active organisms

臭氧生物活性炭  ozone-biological activated carbon(O3-BAC

臭氧-生物活性炭  ozone-BAC; Ozone and Biological Activated Carbon; O3-BAC; ozone-biological activated carbon; ozone-biological active carbon; bone biomechanical characteristics

臭氧—生物活性炭  O3-BAC; ozone-biological activated carbon process

臭氧-生物活性炭工艺  ozone-biology activated carbon filler technique

臭氧生物活性碳  Ozone geology active carbon

臭氧一生物活性炭  ozone-biological activated carbon

除草生物活性  herbicidal activity

大豆生物活性肽  soybean bioactive peptides; soybean bioactive peptide

定量结构-生物活性相关模型  Quantitative structure bioactivity relationship QS

分子聚集生物活性  aggregation activity

腐殖酸生物活性肥  humic bio-active fertilizer

复合生物活性滤料  composite bioactive medium

复合生物活性物质  compound bioactive substance; compound bioactive additive

改性活生物体  living modified organisms

高蛋白生物活性饲料  Feed added high protein with biological activity





