



Web服务与资源模型  WS-Resource mode

安徽工业大学冶金与资源学院  School of Melallurgy Resources; Anhui University of Technology

安徽理工大学资源与环境工程系  Anhui University of Science and Technology; Resources and Environmental Engineering Department; Department of Resources and Environment Engineering; The Department of Resource and Environmental Engineering; Department of Resources and Environmental Engineering; Dep.of Resources and Environment Engineering

安徽农业大学资源与环境学院  College of Resources and Environment; anhui agricultural university; Resources and Environment School; anhui agriculture university; School of Resources and Environment

安徽师范大学国土资源与旅游学院  College of Territorial Resources and Tourism Anhui Normal University; College of Territorial Resources and Tourism of Anhui Normal University; Tourism College of Anhui Normal University; College of Territory Resources and Tourism; Department of National Territorial and Tourism; anhui normal university; Department of Land Resources and Toursim; College of Territorial Resourses and Tourism; College of Land Resource and Tourism; Territory Resource and Tourism College; anhui normal universiy; College of Territorial Resoures and Tourism; Territorial Resources and Tourism College; College of National Territorial and Tourism; College of Territory Resource and Tourism; College of National Territory Resource Tourism; College of territorism resources and tourism; Anhui Normal Universit y; College of Resources and Tourism; College of Land Resources and Tourism; College of National Territorial ResourcesTourism; anhui nomal university; Territory and Tour Institute; College of Territorial Resources Tourism; College of National Territorial Resources and Tourism; College of Tourism; College of Territorial Resource and Tourism; College of Territory Rsources and Tourism; College of National Territorial Resources Tourism; Anhui Nor mal University; Collage of Territorial Resource and Tourism; College of Territoral Resources and Tourism; College of Territorial Resources and Tourism; Wuhu 24100; National Territorial Resources and Tourism College; College of National Territorial Resource Tourism; College of Terrtorial Resources and Tourism; national resource tourism college

安徽师范大学国土资源与旅游学院;安徽省芜湖县环保局  College of National Territory Resource and Tourism; anhui normal university

包头师范学院资源与环境学院  College of Resource and Environment; baotou teachers~′ college; Resources and Environment Institute; baotou teachers’ college

北京大学环境学院资源与环境地理系土地科学中心  The Center for Land Study; Department of Resources; Environment and Geography; beijing university

北京林业大学森林资源与环境学院环境科学系  College of Forest Resources and Environment; beijing forestry university

北京林业大学资源与环境学院  School of Resources and Environment of Beijing Forestry University; Resource And Environment College of Beijing Forestry University; beijing forestry university; College of Natural Resources and Environment; beijing forest university; School of Resources and Environment; Beijing University of Forestry; 2001)[Ch; 11 ref.] College of Resources and Environment; beijing for. univ.; 100083; p. r . china.

北京农业大学资源与环境学院  Resource and Environment College; beijing agricultural university

北京师范大学资源与环境科学系  Resourse and Enviornment Science Department of Beijing Normal University; beijing normal university; beijing; Department of Resources and Environmental Science; Department of Resources and Enviromental Science; beijing normal university. beijing; The Department of Resources and Environmental Science

北京师范大学资源与环境科学系遥感与GIS研究中心  The Center of Remote Sensing GIS; beijing normal university

草地旅游与资源  grassland tourism and the resources

草地资源与生态  grassplot resource and ecology

草原资源与生态  Grassland resources and ecology

长安大学地球科学与资源学院  School of Earth Sciences and Resources; Chang’an University; School of Geosciences and Resources; College of Earth Science and Resources; Earth Science 2.No. 9 Geological Party; BGMERD of Xinjiang; Urumqi; XJ 830000

长安大学水资源与环境工程系  Department of water resource and environment engineering of Chang’an University; Dept. of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering; Changan University; Dept. of Water Resource and Environmental Engineering; Dept. of Water Resources and Enivironmental Engineering; Chang’an University; Department of Water Resource and Environmental Engineering; Dept.of Water Resources and the Environment Engineering

长江大学油气资源与勘探技术教育部重点实验室  MOE Key Laboratory of Oil Gas Resources and Exploration Technology; yangtze university

长江流域资源与环境  Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin





