


potassium K fertilization and straw recycling

水田秸秆还田机  Straw Chopper at Paddy Field

秸秆还田秋施肥  autumn fertilizing combined with returning stalks to field

快速腐熟秸秆还田联合作业机  fast decomposition straw returning machine

长期秸秆还田  Long-term straw application

机械化秸秆还田技术  Straw mechanization technology

秸秆还田  straw reapplication; Straws return to field; Returning maize-straw into soil; stubble incorporation; Maize stock returing; straw-mulching; wheat residue return; Returning straw to soil; straw returned; straw-returning to field; Wheat residue incorporation; straw-field-returning; crop straws returned to the fields; Straw mulching; Stalk returning into soil; returning straw to land; Returning crop straw into soil; corn in dryland; straw return; Crop straw land-returning; Stubble retention; Straw treatment; Straw back-applying; Stubble agriculture; returning stalks into soil; Stalk return to cropland; returning wheat straw to soil; returning stalks into the soil; straw manuring; straw incorporation; Return straw to field; Straw chopping and returning to field; straw returning to the soil; Rice straw incorporation; straw return fields; return of stalk and stalks to field; crop straw return; Crop residues; straws; application of maize stalk in the field; Straw application; Crop straw returning; straw-amended soil; straw-return; Corn straw return to soil; Wheat straw to soil; mulch; reluming straw to land; returning corn stalks into soil; Plant straw incorporation; Straw amendments; Wheat straw return to soil; Returning crop straw into soi1; the returning rice straw; Returning straw into field; straw returning; Stalk mulch; return of rice stalk; Straw recovery; Giving the straws back to the field; rice and wheat straw; straw retention; straw; Straw return to soil; straw crushed; Straw residues incorporation; stock return; returning stalk to the field; straw mulched; crop residue amendment; Returning straw into soil; returning stalks into field; rice-straw returned to the field; cotton straw application

秸秆还田方式  Incorporation method

秸秆还田机  Straw returning machine; straw-returned-native-field machine; the straw chopper

秸秆还田技术  Straw return to soil; straw technology

秸秆还田试验  straw returning

小麦秸秆还田  Wheat straw to soil

玉米秸秆还田  maize straw retention

整株秸秆还田  Whole-straw recycling

NTO钾配合物  potassium complex of NTO

氮钾配合  nitrogen and potassium fertilizer cooperating; combined application of nitrogen and potassium

氮磷钾肥配比  NPK combined application

氮磷钾配合  Optimum composite scheme

钾I配合物  potassium Ⅰ complex

钾肥肥效  fertilizer effect; Potash; Effect of potassium fertilizer





