


ideological-political work

大学生思想政治工作  the university students’ ideological and political; ideological work for college students

高校思想政治工作  co-mechanism system

基层思想政治工作  Grass-roots Mental and Political Work

企业思想政治工作  Mental and Political Work in Enterprises

思想政治工作  Ideological political work; ideological and political; work on ideology and plitics; Ideological political task; ideological education; Politics work; Ideological and political education; work on thought and politics; political work; the job of ideological and political education; Ideological and political work; Mental and political work; HNHS; political and ideological work; the ideological and political work; propaganda and ideological and political work; Carrying forward; ideological work; Ideology and Politics Work; The working methods of the ideological and political; Ideological; Education on Moral Character; education work of ideology and politics; work of thoughts and politics; political and ideological education; Ideology and political work; political performance on ideology; Work on mentality and politics; Ideo-political work; ideology-politics education; Ideas and moral values; work of ideological and political

思想政治工作创新  innovation of ideological work

思想政治工作队伍  the team of ideological and political work

思想政治工作教育方法  the teaching method of ideological education

思想政治工作者  mental workers

网络思想政治工作  ideological education through network

宣传思想政治工作  propaganda and ideological work

学生思想政治工作  the work on the student’s concept; Students’ ideological and political work; moral education

北京青年政治学院学报  Journal of Beijing Youth Politics College

青年思想  thoughts on the youth

山东青年政治学院学报  Journal of Shandong Youth Administrative Cadres' College

中国青年政治学院学报  Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences

大学生思想政治教育  College Students’ Ideological and Political Educat; ideological and political education of college stu; political and ideological education of university; university students’ ideological and political edu

大学生思想政治教育发展  development of university students’ ideological ed

董仲舒政治思想浅析  The Analysis of Dong Zhong shu’s Political Ideas





